Tuesday 23 April 2013

Still plugging along

I taught a workshop on Frock coat contstruction on Saturday.  It was a bit of a dog's breakfast of sewing projects, only one other lady was creating 2 new frock coats for her husband as I was showing the techniques involved through a new coat for Pierre. 
Our two young gentlemen were working on sleeved waistcoats for themselves, which use similar techniques.  The two 'Gs' were listening in as they stitched on their own projects and the other ladies who came brought ladies sewing projects of their own to work on in between construction demos.  Everyone who attended thought they came away learning something new, which was good.
Next month, we'll be working on sacque backed gowns...just gown construction, no other projects, as we'll need all the available table space.

Because of the workshop, I had to start yet another project, the frock coat, in order to have something to demo on!  I have a few UFO's on the go now, so the rest of this month will be dedicated to finishing them up!

Right now, I have on that plate:
- My own sacque backed gown to pleat the skirt to bodice, decorate and hem. Done!
- Frock Coat, about half constructed.
- Breeches, needing buttons. Done!
- Riding Habit alterations, ugh.. Done!
- silk stays for me, about half way through the boning process.  I'd like to have them finished by the end of June.

That's enough for right now, I think!  Plus I have a stash of modern clothes for summer to make up!  Should get busy...maybe I can knock off a couple of things today!

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