Monday, 4 November 2013

still here!

It has been a busy couple of weeks, and I have one more busy week before things quiet down for a bit and I can buckle down and work on my politics and philosophy section/paper.  I have been revising both the politics proposal and the thesis proposal.  I have also been chatting about textile stuff with a friend from the costume society, attending SCA events, weddings...been busy.

I have four weeks of school left in this term.  My politics paper is due the day before the Ship's Christmas party, and then I have another week or so of teaching my construction class.  Studio classes get a bit more time than regular academic classes.  My students will have another week or so to complete their final project, which is a garment of their choosing.  Sewing projects for me?  I have just one, creating a dress to wear to that Christmas party that will do double duty as the dress I wear to the kids wedding in the early spring.  It is going to be pale blue sheer silk with silver accents that I can change out for wearing in the spring.

Thesis project wise, I have completely thought out one entire outfit for the collection.  I really need to sketch it out and colourize it.  I have started on the thinking of the second outfit, got the skirt planned for that one, and am thinking on the jacket.  I am also thinking on the wool plaid outfit too.  My pinterest board is filling up with inspiration images, check it out...

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