Tuesday, 9 April 2019

a quick life update

This time last week, I was waiting to defend my dissertation proposal. I was sitting in a hallway in my mid-century librarian outfit, trying to quell the shakes I'd been dealing with all day.

Well, let's just sum-up and tell you that I passed that hurdle. I am now allowed to begin writing my dissertation.

I spent most of last week recovering from that endeavour, and started fresh again yesterday morning, getting back to life. Yesterday, I cut new breeches and a waistcoat for a young man in upstate New York and got started on sewing the fiddly bits. This morning, I am waiting on a package, knitting the final bits of Garth's stockings; I made some candied peel, and dipped some candles. I'm now considering just heading down to the studio for the afternoon, and hoping for the best with the package because I want to get back to work.

In a couple of weeks we will be heading to New Jersey to the BAR School of Instruction, and the following week back at Ticonderoga for opening weekend. I will continue to write about what I am doing with regards to living history, but may also be writing about the things I want to tackle in my dissertation.

Thank you for tagging along...

photo of a late 18thC suit at Ross-Thompson House, Shelburne NS, taken by Kate Waller

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