First one up, as always, Saratoga Historic Park, 2018. Photo by Jennifer Bolton. |
Back in the Spring, an announcement was made about an event
that would happen at Saratoga Historic Park in the Fall. This event, while a
new concept for the park, was not new to the progressive living history
community, it would be a vetted event. This meant that guidelines were posted,
and folks wanting to attend would send in photos of themselves in kit to a
committee that would then provide feedback to participants for improving their kit
before attending the event. In recent years, the best practices standards have
been making the rounds of the community, and most events adhere to these
concepts. This event would seek to push that envelop even further by also
including a ‘not acceptable’ category. There would be no ‘making do’, all in
attendance would be striving for accuracy in everything they did throughout the
This was a justifiable response to events where participants
sneak in modernity everywhere they can, and make quite ridiculous excuses for
why they cannot improve. My response has long been, just don’t bring it! Just
don’t buy it in the first place. Save yourself some money, and everyone else
the headache of trying to police your gear all weekend.
Following these guidelines was fairly straight forward. I
have always been trying to improve my own kit, and looked at this as an
opportunity for constructive critique from knowledgeable living historians. I’ve
been seeking out these opportunities to keep my thoughts on track, much the way
a regular academic would seek out the critique and guidance of their
professors. My dissertation committee is great for the theory behind what I am
doing, but as far as my art practice is concerned, we need this valuable
resource to supplement what the committee can help me with. I sent photos of
Pierre and I in, and received thumbs up. We were good to go. But I wanted to
bring a couple of new people to the event, this would be their very first
event. I was told that they would be provisionally accepted, because I would be
building their kit and clothing. I was excited at the challenge.
Building new kit and clothing, starting a couple off on the
right track from the get go was a fun challenge for me. The project allowed me
to think through the theory I have been reading all Spring, why material
culture research is important. It also helped me to outline sections of the
future dissertation through my instructing of the creation of smaller items by
themselves. Because these two new folks were also academics, one of them in a
very similar field, they were able to provide me with valuable feedback in how
I was teaching them about their new hobby. It was a fantastic mental exercise
as well as an art practice.
The second challenge I set for us, was to dress these two
people entirely from stash fabrics and left over cabbage so that it wouldn’t
cost anyone any money. I was lucky to have friends who donated fabrics, and my
mum also left me with a few fabrics that I will never use for myself. I pulled
out things from my own closet that I don’t wear anymore and altered then to
better fit Alison, she could also wear an older pair of my shoes. Zac could
wear some of Pierre’s things, but would only need to buy shoes…a taller man
often has longer feet. Mid-way through August, things were shaping up nicely,
and I was posting photos for finished garments so that event organizers could
see my progress. I finished Zac’s clothes just days past the deadline, and
Alison was very close to being finished, and the organizers were happy.
The week before the event things began to fall apart for us.
Not because of the stringent kit requirements, but because of modern lives, and
the weather. Our friends from Nova Scotia couldn’t make the trip with us
because they would be looking at a Fall project of ripping up their front lawn
to replace sewer and water lines to the street. We were disappointed to not
have a visit from friends, but completely understood. There would be other
Then, a giant hurricane formed off the coast of Africa.
Being Maritimers, we started watching the weather. The week
prior to, I said I would call it Thursday morning whether we could go or not.
Pierre told me to not be disappointed, but hypothermia is not something I ever
want to deal with again…and tropical weather is the main reason I have come
down with it twice in the past. I called it Sunday night. It was looking like
the hurricane was going to nail Hatteras late week, and the weekend in Saratoga
would be a washout.
I kept sewing. Alison’s gown was almost finished, and I had
some little things cut out that I wanted to finish. Alison and Zac changed
their travel plans for their honeymoon, which they’d be leaving for in the days
following Saratoga. I tried really hard to not be disappointed.
Then the hurricane veered to the south. And. Slowed. Right.
Down. To. A. Standstill.
Friends from Virginia decided to come up for the event after
all. I texted Pierre, “blue linen suit ok?” He responded with a thumbs up. We
would day trip the event, and it would be just Pierre and I.
We packed the back of the truck with a mattress and bedding
so we would have somewhere to sleep, and packed a basket with a couple of food
items, the can of coffee, and the coffee pot. I pulled together our clothing,
and made sure everything was presentable and wearable. Our last trip home from
an event was a bit of a mess, and things were not put away properly. We had
just lost our dog to heart disease.
Saturday morning, before Dawn, coffee in hand, we were at
the border, heading to an event. We arrived on site after the event started,
and not really fully prepared, but we were there, and would make do with what
we had.
The event!
We arrived, got the car unpacked, and got dressed. It would be
a mile walk through the woods to get to the encampment site, but we had
expected that. Anything big that we had could have been dropped off at the site
before we parked, but there wasn’t anything really that we could pack in. We
would be more like refugees than we had ever been at an event before. We had a
snap sack, a blanket, a linen sail for shelter if we needed it, a basket with
our food, cups, a spoon, a knife, and our coffee pot. Because priorities, man.
Remember when I said we weren’t completely prepared? Well, I
had the directions printed for the American camp, not the British camp. We got
turned around in the woods, took the wrong path and wound up back out on the
road. Oh well, it’s only a couple of miles, we can do this…
It was hot. Like beyond hot. Heat that usually make Kellys
turn into three year olds. I sucked it up and kept walking. We managed to get
to the site without snapping at each other. Pierre immediately got me a big
glass of water with some switchel in it (I had made the syrup earlier in the
summer and remembered to bring it with me) and I plunked down in the shade.
Then he made coffee. It was still morning.
Boots on the ground was sparse compared to what the event
organizers had originally planned, what with the hurricane, and then on the Thursday
night before the event, parts of outlying Boston being blown up by over
pressurized gas lines. Events have to have starting points though, and those
who could make it to the event all brought their A-game. Once I acclimated to
the heat, I enjoyed myself. I talked to the visitors about how what was going
on today in places like Syria, and even upstate New York into Quebec was
starkly similar to what happened to people in the Revolutionary period. That
Loyalists were not often really the enemy that is made out to be in American
history programs. They were regular people, forced to make tough decisions,
often life-saving, certainly life-changing, with no time to fully think things
through. It was perfectly wonderful that we all brought various weird and
uncommon items with us from our homes for the event. Pierre and I had coffee
and a pot, but not much else, other people had camp kettles and could cook
food. We all shared, and got through. Some of us were a little hungry, but that
was ok. It was only for two days.
I did not eat enough, and so covertly taking photos was just
not happening. My hands shook so badly, the one photo I did manage to take
looks like a bad impressionist painting left out in the rain. Those who know
Pierre can see that it’s a quintessential shot of a south facing, north bound
Pierre. But it’s not postable.
At the end of the day, Pierre asked organizers if he could
bring the car up closer, to visitor parking so I wouldn’t have to walk so far.
I was pretty spent, but still wanting to stay and be sociable. Given
permission, he brought the car closer, and we stayed overnight. If not, we
would have likely started for home again at the end of the day, stopping to
sleep somewhere in the mountains. As it was, I didn’t sleep that night until
Pierre got up the next morning. He got up whispering, “I’m off to make friends”,
before daybreak, and I rolled over and got a couple of hours sleep. The truck
is comfortable. But not enough food, no Cpap, and having no idea where I packed
my meds were the triple threat to me sleeping. I was just grateful it wasn’t
out on the ground, under the stars, as I would have also shivered all night,
even with the heat. My body sucks like that. Instant, unpleasant three year
When I did get up, it was still long before the park opened
at I was able to ease into my day slowly. Pierre brought me down a cup of
coffee as I got dressed. We walked back up to camp together and prepared for
the day.
Sunday proved to be a bit quieter, visitor wise, which was
nice, since everyone was spent from the heat the day before. Slowly, throughout
the day, folks made quiet goodbyes and walked away, starting their trip
homeward. It was just as if they were starting their personal treks northward
to safety, some ready to leave before others. It was excellent interpretation,
even if very few people noticed. We left about noon. Wanting to get home in
time to finish up weekend chores before Pierre headed back to work that next
morning…and I really needed sleep. From what I can glean from friend’s Facebook
posts, the end of day brought an almost empty camp, and event organizers could
go home themselves at a decent hour. Everyone has been talking about what a
wonderful experience it was.
And it was. It was quiet and low key. A far more sociable
experience for me than any other event I have ever attended, as I am usually
run off my feet talking to visitors. Events like this are the wave of the
future though, Quality over Quantity. They have to start someplace, and small
is sometimes good for a brand new experience. While it would have been lovely
to see a sea of canvas tents, like Burgoyne’s camp would have been, there just
isn’t the numbers yet to be able to put on a progressive event of that size.
More people have to get on board with best practice standards, the days of
carting all the material culture you’ve ever bought or made to an event is
over. The visitor is looking for better from us. The historians and Parks staff
are looking for better from us. It behooves us to try and get things right, we
do a disservice to our forefathers not to. And yes, the visitor really does
know better…even those who frustrate us with their history’splaining and
This whole project may seem like it failed, because Zac and
Alison didn’t get to take part, because I wasn’t fully prepared, but you can
learn from things that don’t go according to plan far better than things you
try that work out perfectly. I know now that there are things that my body can
do, and things that I really should ask it to even try. I have to figure out
how to better feed myself at events where there is no place, and nothing or no
time to cook with. We have to figure out a better solution to sleeping
arrangements. It worked ok this time for everyone involved, but there’s room
for improvement to the truck scenario, and I also thought about what-if it had
started to rain in the middle of the night…what those who slept rough would
have done. The rain venue for sleeping was miles away, with cars miles away in
the other direction.
I have a better understanding of why smallpox ripped through
the Loyalist population in the later years of the war, decimating whole
communities. If one weekend was this hard on my body, I can only imagine what
weeks or months of living this way would have done to it. I can do just about
anything for a day or two. But it’s going to take most of the week for me to
And then I will get back to the studio…I have suits to make,
and new clothes to finish for other living history people. Because there will
be other events.